Using DeltaJSON Graft
Graft Operations
DeltaJSON Graft allows you to apply changes defined in a JSON delta file to any other JSON file containing data. This operation finds use in version control systems where changes between different versions on a branch need to be cherry picked and applied to another branch in the project.

Graft Parameters/Configuration Options
The Graft Resolution Mode parameter allows you to set the priority of changes in case of conflict using the following values:
Changeset Priority (default) - when there are conflicts, choose the version present in the changeset.
Target Priority - when there are conflicts, choose the version present in the target.
Additions Only - when there are conflicts, choose the target version, and also resolve elements added in the changeset.
Quick steps:
Enter the Job Description (identifier for the job) in order to make it easier to locate the job/operation later.
Upload by clicking on the button or “Drag and Drop” your input files onto the required area - a changeset JSON delta file and a target JSON file. Alternatively navigate to the Files view and enter the inputs manually in the editor.
You can view/edit your input files by clicking on the View Files button that navigates to the Files editor
The icons to the right of your inputs indicate the status of your inputs - valid, invalid or more related information. Click on the icons to know more.
A unique Result File name for each operation is set by default but you can enter the desired result file name in the text input provided.
Select the required radio box to indicate the Graft Resolution Mode parameter value .
Click on Run and wait for the magic to happen!
Once the operation is complete a prompt indicating the status should appear, then click on the View Files button to view your result in the editor.
Also, you can click on the Result File button (once enabled after comparison is finished successfully) to download the result file.
The Logs view at any time shows the status of all the operations run during the session. This can be used to follow status of a long running graft or find more information in case a failure occurs.
This graft operation is also logged as a job in the Jobs History view and can be used to view all jobs run along with their details till date for this operation.
For detailed information on DeltaJSON Graft, please refer to Graft Guide